Eco Envilanaka (Pvt)Ltd is holding the valid device Manufacturing Licence , issure by the National medicines Regulatory Authority as per the Device regulation 28 Published i the Gazette of the Democcratic Socialist Rapublic of Sri Lanaka. The firm is following good manufacturing Practices as per World Helth Organization recommendations in the manufacturing and quality assurance of said catagories of the products.
Manufacturing , Packing and dispatch of non wovan fabric bags, surgeon caps,face mask , Bouffant caps, shoe covers & offset printing . they remains valied subject tosatiisfactory surveillance audits .
Eco Envi Lanka (pvt) Ltd licenced to manufacture the devices uder conditions prescribed in regulation 28 of the drugs regulation.
Codex Alimentarius commission, recommended International code of practices, General Principles of food Hygiene..GMP requiements may be obtained by the counsulting the organization